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What You *Truly* Deserve (Hint: it Isn’t a Cookie)

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by Angela Gallardo in Articles

As I sit down to write, I’m overcome with thoughts to share with you today.  

I often think back on the 6 years I spent waffling.  Playing the “I deserve to eat normal” card as often as I could (despite the glaring evidence to the contrary).

That line of thought only drove me further toward rock bottom.  

With daily, often debilitating digestive distress, it’s hard to imagine there’s anywhere to go but up.  But boy, was I wrong.  6 long years after the digestive issues started, I lay in bed without the strength to even sit up on my own.  A portion of my left ovary gone, along with a mass that had enlarged it 8 times the normal size.  Oh, the thoughts that ran through my head in those moments!

“I deserve this!”

I’d moved quickly from owing myself all the delicious sugary/bread-y foods in the world to the polar opposite.  I believed with every fiber of my being that I deserved the misery I was in.  I was weak and self-indulgent and it was

After weeks of copious amounts of tears and self-pity, what finally got me out of bed again was an entirely new line of thought.  A realization of what it was that I truly deserved.

“I deserve self-respect.”

I realized that if I was owed anything in life, it was realizing that I was worth so much more than the foods I looked to in order to feel better.  My worth and my personal potential was not elevated by justifying unhealthy eating.  It was only dampened.

—>>> So my thought today is this:  You deserve nourishment.  Your (beautifully unique) bodydeserves health & freedom from food addiction.  And your very precious soul deserves the opportunity to reach for all of your goals and dreams — to have the energy to make the changes that need to be made so the path you’re on is in line with your heart.

Are you “deserving” the wrong things?  It’s not about trying to be Perfect Polly Paleo or beating yourself up when you fall short.  It’s realizing that the best version of yourself (that inner greatness that may be hiding from the world right now) is most accessible when you give your body the respect (with healing nourishment) it truly deserves.

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