It’s no secret that I love to connect with others over a shared passion for improving health. Particularly within the realm of a more mindful way of eating and all the challenges (and benefits) that come along with it.
I’ve found a great amount of pleasure over the years in writing the BRG email letters. It’s helped to bridge the internet gap between me (a blogger turned coach) and you (some cool person out in cyberspace). But it’s also reaffirmed my belief in the power of finding your own inner voice when it comes to developing your own personalized way of eating. So many have replied to share their stories and struggles and victories.
I genuinely feel honored to share in this journey with you.
Wanting to take it beyond the email letters, I’ve felt a podcast is the next natural step. It’s been bouncing around in my head for many months (read: years), so many ideas and things I’d love to share. From being married and living in a 28′ camper to now being divorced and 40 years old, settled in Phoenix again, my personal philosophy has been challenged over and over.
Change can bring about hiccups and generalized life disruptions that throw a person’s commitment to healthy eating into a whole new proving ground. Each time I’ve faced a new transition in life, I’ve learned more about how to make this way of eating truly stick and my love for taking care of my body has grown and grown.
Essentially: how to go from feeling like I could give up at any moment to feeling like you couldn’t push me off this gravy train if your life depended on it.
That mental shift is what I’m most excited about.
In the Light Body podcast, I plan to dig into how to make this shift happen, the reasons it doesn’t happen for many people, and what to do to overcome the struggles and setbacks that can keep us from it.
As I start the recording process, I’m wondering this:
What topics do you want to hear more about?
What struggles do you wish were discussed more in this space?
Feel free to leave your feedback below! The more questions you share, the more useful I can make this podcast for you.