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Cinnamon Raisin Breakfast Protein Cookies

the perfect semi-sweet addition to your breakfast

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Cinnamon Raisin Breakfast Protein Cookies, a great paleo, healthy, gluten-free, dairy-free dessert recipe

Cinnamon Raisin Breakfast Protein Cookies, a great paleo, healthy, gluten-free, dairy-free dessert recipeCinnamon Raisin Breakfast Protein Cookies, a great paleo, healthy, gluten-free, dairy-free dessert recipe

I generally avoid sweets at breakfast time because I truly believe no one needs a major glycemic spike to start the day.

But despite my love of low-carb, I am, in fact, human. ðŸ˜œ

And I do crave the occasional sweet with breakfast.  Especially when it’s second breakfast and it’s post-sweaty-workout.

Do you ever dream of a food you have not yet created and then you create it and it turns out *exactly* like you pictured it tasting in all of your dreams?  No? Ok, maybe it’s just me.

But that is precisely what happened with this recipe.

I could alternatively name this recipe some silly version of a Grain-free Oatmeal Raisin Cookie (please call me out if you ever see the word “N’Oatmeal” somewhere on my site) because it’s very reminiscent of that childhood favorite of mine. But!

These Cinnamon Raisin Protein Cookies are:

low to moderate in carbs (depending on your sweetener of choice),

high in healthy, filling fats

fairly high in protein (over 7 grams per cookie)

Details on choosing a protein powder and a sweetener can be found in the PDF below.  I used my new favorite protein: Imlak’esh Sacha Inchi but others will work just as well.

When choosing a sweetener, reference the last pic above for a visual of the resulting textures from the various sweetener options.

Using coconut palm sugar or granulated zero calorie sweeteners will yield a drier, yet still moist, cookie (top).  Using a combo of any granulated options and honey/maple syrup will yield a moderately moist cookie (middle).  And using *all* honey or maple syrup will yield an extremely moist cookie (bottom) that spreads a bit more when baking.

All options taste great so you can play around to find which you like best based on the sweetener/protein powder combo you choose!

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1 Comment
  1. Kat says:

    The pdf link isn’t working.

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