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Twice-Baked Breakfast Sweet Potatoes

because two times is better than one

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baked sweet potatoes

Update 2018: want to steam your sweet potatoes in your Instant Pot? It just happens to be one of the many 36 recipes in my new Instant Pot for Beginners eBook!  Click below to get your copy!

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This is a recipe that didn’t make the cut for the upcoming book.  Not to say that it’s subpar but it’s a no easy feat to achieve a balance for 50 recipes that will meet all your breakfast & brunch needs.  And I felt this one had a better place here on the blog.

If using this recipe for busy mornings, it’s best to have sweet potatoes baked on hand in the fridge.  Cooking them in batches definitely simplifies things and it’s nice to have them readily available anyway.  So you can get out of bed, spend 10 minutes crisping up the bacon and wilting the greens, and stuff it into the pre-cooked sweet potato with an egg in the middle.  Bake it up while you freshen up and you’ve got a simple, yet complete meal.

So I’m off to edit edit edit edit.  Are you on the mailing list for book updates?  Bare Root Mornings will be free for the first 2 days it’s out and I’ll be announcing the dates via email.  Just scroll down to add your name to the list.

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Twice-Baked Breakfast Sweet Potatoes

Yields: 1 serving

1 medium sweet potato

4 slices bacon

2 c. dark leafy greens (kale, chard, mustard greens, etc)

1 clove garlic, minced

¼ c. bone broth or stock of choice

1-2 eggs

sea salt & black pepper, to taste


Bake your sweet potato ahead of time (it’s great to keep a few in the fridge at all times) at 400F for 45-60 minutes, or until you can pierce it easily with a fork.  Slice it down the middle and push the edges in to pop the middle open.  Mash the insides up a bit and set it aside on a lined sheet pan.

Cook the bacon over medium heat.  Remove it to a paper towel to catch the grease.  Add the greens, garlic, and bone broth to the hot bacon grease.  Stir well and cook until the greens are wilted and most of the liquid has evaporated.  Crumble the cooked bacon and add it to the pan.  Turn the heat off and scoop the greens into the center of the mashed sweet potato.  Pour any extra liquid in, as well.

Create a well in the center and break the egg into it (you can try to fit 2 eggs in if your sweet potato is large enough).  Bake at 400F for 10-15 minutes or until the white is cooked and the yolk is fairly runny (you can go another 5-10 minutes if you are weird and don’t like your yolk so runny).  Season with sea salt and pepper, to taste, and enjoy immediately.

  1. Paleo4one says:

    Can’t wait to try this!

    1. I hope you like it!

  2. Rebecca Ratliff says:

    I’ve made this at least ten times now. It’s the perfect breakfast. So healthy. So satiating. A beautiful balance of macros with plenty of micros in there, too. And it really is so easy to prepare. This is almost always a work morning breakfast yet I feel as if I’m eating like a king.

    1. Thank you for sharing your experience with this recipe, Rebecca. I’m so glad it’s been able to help out your breakfasts!

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